Buffalo Lake Volunteer
Emergency Medical Service
Past EMS Members
In the nearly 40 years of emergency services to Buffalo Lake and the surrounding areas, the Buffalo Lake Ambulance Service would like to recognize and thank the following people who gave or their time and expertise to serve as members of our service.
Whether you gave a year of your time or 25+ years our community appreciates your service.
Ron Anderson
Lowell Becker *
Bill Beem
Janice Beem
Ted Berg
Doug Best
Kevin Best
Larry Binnebose
Sue Bombeck
Brock Bucklin
Carol Bulau
Ken Bulau
Tammy Coleman
Brad Dobberstein
Bev Freidrichs
Steve Freidrichs
Stan Gallup *
Lori Green
Leona Hackbarth
Otto Hackbarth
Edmund Hakes *
Sandy Housman
Ken Hubin
Kevin Huls
Ronda Huls
Jerry Inselmann
Dave Kienitz
Kyle Koelln
Bryan Lade
Loren Mackey
Jim Massman
Larry Meehan
LeeAnn Merkins
Marvin Michelson *
Dennis Murphy
Jerry Negen
Missy Nephew
Scott Nissen
Corey Pagenkopf
Jackie Pagenkopf, Secretary
Gloria Radke
Keith Radkte
Paul Rettmann
Ray Rosenau
Allen Scharmer
Doris Scharmer
Janet Scharmer
Lee Scharmer
Kurt Schultz
Sylvan Scharmer
Vicki Silverstein
Tim Sowder
Becky Stromley, Secretary
Dale Stromley
Mark Thompson
Ev Wakefield
Gary Wakefield
Alan Walter
Beth Walter
Perry Wieland
Linda Wongstrom
* Original members of the "Mainstreet Responders" which started emergency service to the community in 1971.
We may have missed some names. If you know of someone or you were a member of the Buffalo Lake Ambulance Service/Emergency Medical Service and would like to be listed, please contact our city office cityofbuffalolake@gmail.com.